产品名称:135 | 产品等级:4 | 品牌:3m |
是否危险化学品:否 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:美国 |
牌号:3m | CAS:1 | 固体含量:80% |
粘度:1mPasmPas | 用途:绝缘防护 | 产品特性:绝缘防腐 |
Scotchkote 135熔结环氧树脂涂料
Scotchkote Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating 135
Scotchkote 135(灰色)熔结环氧树脂涂料针对流化床或静电喷涂应用而设计,可大幅增加喷涂时间。对于大表面面积或带有复杂凹陷的部件,无需过喷或层压即可完成涂覆。
Scotchkote 135 灰色熔结环氧树脂涂料
形 状: 粉 末
Scotchkote Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating 135
Product Description
Scotchkote Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating 135 is a one-part, heat curable, thermosetting powdered epoxy coating designed for application over phenolic primers to provide maximum corrosion protection of primary production tubing and gathering lines. It is specifically formulated for operation at elevated temperatures and pressures in the presence of H2 S, CO2 , CH4 , crude oil and brine. Scotchkote 135 FBEC can be used without a primer on nonproduction tubing applications such as valves, pumps, pipe drains, hydrants and porous castings. Scotchkote 135 coating is resistant to wastewater, corrosive soils, hydrocarbons, and sea water. Powder properties allow easy manual or automatic application by electrostatic or air-spray equipment